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Pastor, facilitator, motivational speaker, teacher, preacher and conference convener.
Develops and maintains effective communication within church employees, the congregation, the Church Governing Body.
Manage staff and volunteers; church administration; evangelism; church conference coordination; visitations; and leadership through inspiration,
direction and encouragement.
Community and faith-based liaison and advocate for at-risk families and youth.
Children, Youth, Young Adult and Senior Adult bible study teacher and curriculum writer.
The ability to follow instructions and deliver quality results.
Innovative creation of multi-generational ministry which strengthen churches and communities.
Creating policies and aiding in the drafts of policies and procedures that effectively facilitate the reaching of goals and objectives and the fulfillment of ministry vision and goals.
Liaison to federal, state, city and other community and faith-based agencies.
Develop strategy that directs ministries toward the accomplishment of the vision, mission, and goals.
Champion outreach opportunities by inspiring, equipping and motivating; ensuring the basic needs of the community are responded to; through
training, volunteer and community service on a consistent and continual basis.
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